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  1. 500 Error Received when opening a PDF link

  2. Accessible Meetings and Events Checklist

  3. Add Images to the Media Library

  4. Adding a LiveStream to a Page or Post

  5. Adding a page template from the Commkit to my website?

  6. Adding a sidebar menu

  7. Adding CSS to WordPress pages?

  8. Adding Editors to your WordPress site

  9. Adding Javascript (JS) to WordPress pages?

  10. Adding Social Media Posts To My Website?

  11. Adding Social Share Buttons to a FLEX theme website

  12. Adjusting Full-Width Text Blocks on Desktop

  13. Advanced Publishing Options (Drafts, Schedules)

  14. Basic Georgia State Web Rules and Formatting

  15. Best Practices for Mobile Layout

  16. Campaign UTM Tagging for Google Analytics

  17. Can a PDF be attached to an event?

  18. Can I add a Localist Calendar event to my personal calendar?

  19. Can I Get a Vanity Link?

  20. Can I have FTP access to my site?

  21. Capturing and Sharing Web Pages

  22. Catalog Updates

  23. Categories and Tags

  24. Configuring Pages and Posts for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  25. Creating a link to a group of locations on Campus Map as a user?

  26. Creating a Responsive Designed Table?

  27. Creating a Separate Navigation Menu for a Section of Your Site

  28. Creating an Accessible Web Page

  29. Creating Responsive Columns in WPBakery

  30. Document Management: Using DropBox for PDFs, Word, etc. Files

  31. Finding a Page, Post or Image ID

  32. Georgia State Flex Theme Elements in WPBakery (accordions, buttons, tabs, toggles, and links) - GSU Best Practices

  33. Getting Started in WordPress and WPBakery

  34. Getting Started with a Knowledgebase

  35. Getting started with SEO

  36. Getting the link to a specific location on the Campus Map?

  37. Gravity Forms notifications not appearing in my Inbox

  38. Hootsuite - Adding Tags to Posts

  39. How Can I Find the Cover Image from Vimeo?

  40. How can I get the latest news about WordPress updates?

  41. How Can I Increase the Storage on My Website?

  42. How can I organize my media?

  43. How do I add bulk events to the Localist Calendar?

  44. How do I add or edit an event to the Localist Calendar as an Adminstrator?

  45. How do I add PIN events to the Localist Calendar?

  46. How Do I Add Plugins?

  47. How do I add YouTube videos to my website?

  48. How do I change the database cleanup settings?

  49. How Do I Clear My Cache?

  50. How do I create a Formidable Forms form?

  51. How do I create a Gravity Forms form?

  52. How do I create a widget in Localist for my Georgia State website?

  53. How do I create featured events for my college, school, department, or unit?

  54. How do I embed videos from (Kaltura) on my webpage?

  55. How do I gain Administrator rights to the Localist Calendar?

  56. How Do I Password Protect Files on My Site?

  57. How do I stop spam coming from my Formidable Forms? (How to use reCAPTCHA)

  58. How do I stop spam coming from my Gravity Forms? (How to use CAPTCHA)

  59. How do I use Event Scheduler from Pixelmint?

  60. How long does it take to get a help ticket response?

  61. How to add Google Analytics

  62. How to Add Individual News Articles from News Hub

  63. How to change marquee images

  64. How to create Pop ups with Hustle Pro

  65. How to Create Video Marquees

  66. How to sort an Essential Grid Directories by Last Name

  67. I need a website for my class, what do I do?

  68. Image and PDF Compression

  69. Including news from News Hub in news listings on individual sites

  70. Installing a Template Package from the Commkit?

  71. Installing an Essential Grid template from the Commkit

  72. Installing the VPN For Editing Websites Off-Campus

  73. Introduction to Mega-Menus

  74. Making Marquee H1 Headings Responsive (shrink on smaller screens)

  75. Menus: Creating menus

  76. Proper Use of Headings

  77. Redirecting a page or post

  78. Replace Images and Files in Media Library

  79. Restoring a previous version of a page?

  80. Separating values and duplicating values in Excel

  81. Setting the Georgia State themed button font weight to 400?

  82. Setting the social share image, title and description for pages and posts?

  83. Should I include social interactions such as an "I’m Interested" + Ticketing/Registering button on my Localist calendar event?

  84. Single File Upload Limits

  85. Turning off social interactions (e.g. "User comments," "I'm interested," and "Invite friends")?

  86. Using a Creative Link or Button to open a modal

  87. Using Admin Columns Pro

  88. Using Advanced FAQs

  89. Using Anchor Links

  90. Using Grammarly and the Georgia State Digital Style Guide

  91. Using Posts in Sidebar

  92. Using pre-installed GSU-themed website elements

  93. Using Templates

  94. Using the Google URL Builder

  95. Video Guidelines

  96. Website Images - Best Practices

  97. What alternative forms can I use if we need to collect PII (personally identifiable information)?

  98. What customer support is available and when?

  99. What if I need an approved event modified or deleted from the Localist calendar?

  100. What is Marketplace?

  101. What is the approval process for getting events on the Localist calendar?

  102. What size image should I upload in the Localist calendar?

  103. Where can I find Georgia State photos to use for my project?

  104. Where can I get analytics training?

  105. Where can I learn about Usability Testing?

  106. Where can I learn more about web accessibility?

  107. Where do I login to edit my site?

  108. Why are past events still appearing in the Localist calendar?

  109. Why doesn’t the Localist calendar have a 30-day grid-view?

  110. Will I be charged for my website?

  111. WordPress Security

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