Menus: Creating menus
Menus are used to navigate around a website. We mostly use them for our sites' main navigational menus at the top of every page under the page's titles.
To learn the basic skills needed to create menus, go to the WordPress Menu User Guide.
You can find the Menu section on the WordPress dashboard under APPEARANCE > MENUS.
You can find the Menu section on the WordPress dashboard under APPEARANCE > MENUS.

The WordPress Menu user Guide explains how sub-menus typically work in WordPress. See below for a quick example:

In this example, the user dragged the menus into their current hierarchy, where "Alumni" has the sub-menu item "Your Alumni Association," and sub-sub-menu items "Benefits," "Alumni Events," "Join the Alumni Association," and "Renew." Using the Flex2 theme, this menu looks like this on the live site:

Notice that "Benefits," "Alumni Events," "Join the Alumni Association," and "Renew" are indented under "Your Alumni Association."
GSU's custom themes allow for another way to include sub-menus. By clicking on the down arrow, you can access the Sub Menu drop-down list:

In the Sub Menu drop-down list, the user selects from other menus created for the page. In this example, the "About" menu is another menu created by the user:

In the Sub Menu drop-down list, the user selects from other menus created for the page. In this example, the "About" menu is another menu created by the user:

Selecting "About" in the Sub Menu dropdown list adds this menu's items as sub-menu items, and looks like this on the page:

Adding Custom CSS
In each menu option, we also have the option to add custom CSS such as the "call-to-action" tab on the site. To view this option, click "Screen Option > CSS Class" and then in the CSS field, add the CSS: call-to-action

If the menu will have a lot of menu and sub-menu items, creating multiple menus and selecting them in the Sub Menu drop-down list may be helpful in keeping the menus well-organized, and it allows for the same sub-menu to be used in multiple places -- for example, like in a widget used to display the sub-menu on sub-pages.