Using Grammarly and the Georgia State Digital Style Guide
Grammarly is a web-based, automated proofreading and revision tool that provides grammar, spelling and tone checks. Grammarly has free features that may assist with reviewing your writing.
The enterprise license for Grammarly for Education access has ended. Using a university email address, Grammarly accounts maintain basic access and basic features such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, and tone detection and preserve previously saved settings or content in your profile.
In addition to Grammarly, a digital, searchable version of the Georgia State Style Guide is available on our Communications Toolkit. You can set up your Grammarly account to flag words and phrases to avoid from the style guide. Also, remember that Oxford commas are not used in the Georgia State style, but Grammarly will flag these automatically. Learn more about our other Style guidelines by visiting our Commkit site.
Keywords: grammarly, georgia state digital style guide, proofreading, revision tool, grammar check, spelling check, tone check, free features, university email, punctuation, tone detection, saved settings, communications toolkit, searchable style guide, flag words, flag phrases, avoid oxford commas, style guidelines, commkit site