Separating values and duplicating values in Excel
1. Replacing and separating the Name value.
- Select the Column you would like to replace the “,” in.
- Under the Edit menu, go to Find then Replace.
- When the replace window pops up enter “,” into the Find what: field.
- Enter nothing into the Replace with: field.
- Press the Replace All button
- When the Alert window appears, check to make sure the number of replacements matches the number of records being changed.
- Press ok.
- Check to make sure that all records have the commas replaced with an empty space.
2. Filling Columns using Flash Fill
- Make new columns titled First Name and Last Name
- Enter a few First names from the Name column into the First Name column to establish the position of the values of which the Flash Fill will enter into the field First Name.
- Press the Flash Fill icon.
- Follow the same procedure for the Last Name column
- Done correctly, the excel sheet will look like this.
3. Filling a column with the same value
- Enter the value you would like duplicated
- Select all the entire column or the section of the column that you would like to enter the repeat values.
- Press Control + e.