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Single File Upload Limits

The following file types are allowed to be uploaded to your GSU PRMC WordPress site:

  • jpg 
  • jpeg 
  • png 
  • gif 
Ensure that the images used on your site are uploaded the same size as they will appear on your webpages. For example, if an image will only take up 700 pixels in width on your page, shrink it to that size using Photoshop or an image-altering program like

No image used on your site should be larger than 300kb, including your large marquee background images.

Please shrink image sizes and compress all image files using Photoshop or prior to uploading them to your WordPress site.

Note: All PDF, XML, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, and PPTX files need to be uploaded to your site's PRM-Web Dropbox folder. They should only be added if they are needed for public marketing purposes or if they're legally required to be made public. THEY SHOULD NOT be added to the Media Folder on your website.

If your site does not have a PRM-Web Dropbox, submit a ticket at, and we'll set you up with one.

Please compress all PDFs using before uploading them to your PRM-Web Dropbox.

Keywords: single file upload limits, gsu prm-web, wordpress site, image upload, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, image size, image compression, photoshop, iloveimg, pdf upload, xml upload, doc upload, docx upload, xls upload, xlsx upload, ppt upload, pptx upload, prm-web dropbox, public marketing, file compression, ilovepdf

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