Setting the social share image, title and description for pages and posts?
If you wish to set up a different title, description, or image for social sharing or your page or post doesn't have a featured image, you can set these in the Facebook section of Yoast settings as well. We recommend always setting the shared image to ensure optimal display, as the aspect ratios required for sharing are different from those required for the featured image.
Use this link to determine the size image that will work best for the social media sites you work with: The maximum character length for Facebook and Twitter varies. While your Facebook title can be up to 150 characters, Twitter limits it to just 70. And the description can be no longer than 124 characters compared to 150 for Facebook. LinkedIn does not show a description. Always try to reference "Georgia State" in your title or description.
After setting these options, you will need to clear the cached version for each social share network using the following tools:
If you don't see the Yoast SEO sharing setting, go to the SEO/social option in the WordPress dashboard and enable Facebook and, optionally, Twitter. If you don't enable Twitter, the Facebook settings will be used for Twitter as well.

Facebook for Developers: Place the URL here and press "debug." This will load what the social share image, title and description will look like on Facebook's platform (excluding Instagram).

Twitter Developers: Place the URL in the Card URL feed and press "Preview card." This will load the social share image, title, and description as they appear on Twitter's platform.

LinkedIn Post: Place the URL in the Card URL feed and press "Inspect." This will load what the social share image, title and description will look like on LinkedIn's platform.

Keywords: social share image, yoast seo settings, social media sharing, set seo title description, social media title description, set social share image, configure social share title, configure social media description, optimize social sharing, wordpress social share, facebook social share settings