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How do I get highlights of specific posts and pages to show up on my page?


Used in conjunction with the [row] and [column] shortcodes to place highlights of specific posts and pages on a page.


When used in a 3 or 4 column layout on a Home Page Template, there will be 3 or 4 evenly spaced columns.

Example Code

 [row][column][post id=12][/column][column][post id=13][/column][column][post id=14][/column][column][post id=15][/column][/row]

Only two columns may be used per row in a Default Page template.

Example Code

 [row][column][post id=12][/column][column][post id=13][/column][column][post id=14][/column][column][post id=15][/column][/row]

When used in a single [row][column]. A “Jumbo Feature” is created with the picture to the left of the Title and Excerpt.

Example Code 

[row][column][post id=12][/column][/row]

When used in a two column layout, a “Big Box” feature is created with the picture above the Title and Excerpt.

Example Code

 [row][column][post id=32524][/column][column][post id=840][/column] [/row]


id id of post to be featured

title alternate title for the post

attachment_idalternate picture for the post highlight

subtitleavailable in the Home Page Theme only

excerpt ”false” hides the excerpt for a post; useful for displaying pictures and titles only

thumbnail  ”false” hides the featured post image; useful for displaying links only when combined with excerpt=”false” 

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