Why can't we find Financial Aid, Admissions, Career Services or other important service office on these maps?
Add important student service office to the GSU maps so that students can find important offices.

Good morning,
Thanks for the feedback. With so many options to put on the map we do have to update our categories from time to time to make it easier. Thanks for pointing out where you are having trouble finding these important offices. Let us know if you used the search feature. The reason I ask is all of these do come up when you search for them:
The link below is huge, but it's the result of looking for career services. We're adding the other campuses to this:
This is a result from searching for admissions:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/mqp8z1k4curh89j/Screenshot%202019-04-30%2011.44.45.png?dl=0Let me know what categories on the left side of the menu might help you better find the offices.