Automatically add pdf, doc, etc. icons to links
It would be pretty great if a few lines were included in CSS to automatically add little icons :after to common file types (doc, xls, pdf, ppt, etc) based on href$ — example CSS from
a[href$="pdf"]:after { content: " " url(/images/design6/pdf.gif); }
a[href$="doc"]:after, a[href$="docx"]:after { content: " " url(/images/design6/doc.gif); }
IE 7 doesn't recognize :after, but this is just window-dressing, rather than functional, so at UCR that was deemed an acceptable excursion from 100% feature parity.
We have added this ability. There may be some places where this creates an unexpected outcome for some pages, but the majority of instances where creators have added a file this provides a little more awareness to users as to the tools they will need to view or interact with the document. This was a great suggestion Jessica.