Faculty and Staff links to the Library
I was asked to pass along this feedback re: the global nav with the student/faculty links. The library link has been removed from the Faculty/Staff drop-down menu. The feedback is from a librarian at one of the Perimeter Campus locations.
"A retired prof just used chat for a question and mentioned that he couldn't easily find the library webpage from the GSU homepage anymore. He was accustomed to clicking the top faculty tab, then finding the library. There isn't a link in that cluster of resources since the web re-do this summer.
I followed up with an email advising him to click Academics in the top banner as a quick route. (We're all creatures of habit who might also have banner blindness.)
The Students tab still has a prominent link to the library. Is it important to have a library link on the Faculty tab as well?

The link was added to the “Useful Links” section on the menu. Thanks for the input.