What customer support is available and when?

E-mail Support

Please send all e-mail support questions and concerns to tickets@gsu.uservoice.com . Someone from our team will respond within 1 business day.

Open Lab

Every Thursday from 10 a.m. until noon, and then from 2 - 4 p.m., the Digital Team in PR and Marcomm is available for drop-in support on WebEx (here: https://gsumeetings.webex.com/meet/mjones124) or in person on the 4th floor of Centennial Hall.

This is a good time for a face-to-face meeting to discuss how to present new content or review analytics. It can get busy, but you can also schedule a private session with us on Teams.

Content Development Support

Content development support ranges for copywriting, information architecture, art design, user experience planning, website performance and tracking analysis, content migration support, and more.  With so many talented resources available to partner with you from several different units, we thought it best to showcase their services on the Communication Toolkit website:


Here you can find resources to use, guidelines to follow to get the most out of your project or even a help tab on every page to ask us for something we don't have on the site.  Each content support service featured on the Communication Toolkit has different abilities, availability, and possibly fees.  As you engage with each service, they will provide the options and expectations for your project.

Hosting Support

The WordPress multi-site network is supported by several key organizations, both internal and external, of Georgia State University.  The sites are hosted externally and are monitored 24x7 by the provider for system availability.  The "Cloud Sites" system status dashboard provided by the hosting service can be found here:


The Georgia State University Helpdesk and Data Center have 24-hour access to contact our hosting provider. Should an outage occur, they will follow the information provided on the dashboard and reach out to the live technical support provided around the clock by the service provider. If you have additional questions during an outage, you can contact the help desk for information.

WordPress Application Support

The WordPress multi-site network runs on the WordPress application. This is supported by both internal and external developers.  The application is backed up nightly and is also maintained in accordance with the WordPress hardening best practices found here:


Should you want to report a bug or have questions about the WordPress application, please submit them to either:



on the help tab found at http://commkit.gsu.edu

Outside of an emergency outage, we provide initial responses to questions by the close of the next business day.

NOTE: The central Digitial Support team provides training and GSU WordPress website support, but we don't provide web content services unless a specific MOU is in place with a unit.

Developer Support

If you are a developer and would like to add a plugin to the WordPress multi-site network, please contact us at help@gsu.edu. We will be more than happy to connect you with our team and provide access to our git so that you can create a local development environment. Developers should be prepared to support their own git environment and run a local/hosted copy of Apache in order to build and test custom plugins. 

If you would like assistance with custom development, our team will be happy to connect you with our external application partners, who can provide a quote for services.

Keywords: email support, tickets@gsu.uservoice.com, open lab support, digital team support, WebEx support, content development support, communication toolkit, hosting support, wordpress multi-site network support 

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